Mermaids Can and Do Have Tattoos

book mermaids

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In highschool I birthed a poem, which then transformed into a book.
It took me a couple years into college, where I put together the graphics. I doodled, and collaged. The pages were actually super thick. My dad came by with his fancy camera and helped take pictures properly.

Publishing. How the heck do you publish a book? I had zero idea. I did some research but sat on it for quite some time. I tried a couple different platforms but @kdp_amazon_publication was the one. Super easy - so here is my inspiration gift to anyone sitting on a book idea.

For awhile though it was only available on all other Amazon platforms BUT Canada. I wasn't crazy about the shipping costs, so haven't really pushed it.

Well today. I'm not even really sure what prompted it but I opened up KDP and had a little flag to address which then rabbit holed into relaunching into Amazon Canada. Available as a paperback AND ebook. Also color only, finally removing the annoying black and white version.

This is an inspiration to myself to go back and review the others stories I made, sitting in my Google drive somewhere.

She's out there, she's ready to go and will arrive before Christmas.

Have my artistic abilities blossomed and shifted since this was first created in 2012? 100%, have I thought about enhancing the graphics? Yes. Will this happen? No because the point of the story is you are beautiful just the way you are. This book will remain beautiful just the way it is.


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